In the project of Design Group Studio for reconstruction of City Park "St. George " was proposed organization of a new entrance at SC"Mermaid " which takes visitors directly to the lakes. New alley finishes with overlooking terraced area with benches above the water and lush water jets in the middle of the lake. In the area of the Great Lakes are special places to ride a pedalo, boat or kayak. A new bridge to connect the existing island and make it a place for musical performances.
Around of the existing fountains with public importance is organized area for outdoor exhibitions, and near it , about existing in a small pond - corner pavilion overlooking the water . Bike park trails Is designed closed by a series of jumps, kickers, smooth humps and others. The construction of two playgrounds to children up to 3 years and 3 to 12 years in proximity to the area that is proposed to deploy mobile amusement park . Special place to walk and play free dogs supplemented with various facilities for play area with grass and sand area. As road access to the park is limited in its southern part is organized parking for visitors and the use of cycling is stimulated with the proposed network of bicycle lanes that are covered with bike racks. In some areas it is proposed able to access Wi-Fi internet and containers for separate waste collection, and for the entire fleet replacement of old and add new energy efficient lighting. Proposed is a reconstruction of the memorial complex "Khan Asparukh" to restore the water effects and lighting spectacular setting and return it as close as possible to the original.
In a further development, the project provides restores the sports area in the park, building sport fields for football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, gymnastics playground and outdoor fitness.
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